by Taylor Premer, DC | Jun 5, 2019 | Chiropractic, Tuesday's With Taylor
A Quick Anatomy Lesson… The most common mechanism of ankle sprains is an inversion movement. This puts a ton of stress on the lateral (outside) ligaments and muscles of the foot and ankle. Check out the picture for a good visual of these ligaments. The way our...
by Taylor Premer, DC | May 29, 2019 | Chiropractic, Tuesday's With Taylor
Headaches… Musculoskeletal or Bad Stuff? There are so many reasons one may have a headache that may range from dehydration to sinister disease. Our goal at Winchester Spine and Sport is to rule out the scary things and hone in on the exact cause. Our...
by Taylor Premer, DC | May 14, 2019 | Chiropractic, Tuesday's With Taylor
What are shin splints? Shin splints are very easy to define and diagnose but are extremely misunderstood in terms of management and treatment. In the simplest terms, shin splints are characterized by pain and sometimes swelling of the muscles surrounding the shin....
by Taylor Premer, DC | May 12, 2019 | Chiropractic, Tuesday's With Taylor
Tuesdays With Taylor I’m back on the social media game! Stay tuned every Tuesday where I will be breaking down some of the most common conditions, treatments, and questions I get at Winchester Spine and Sport, your Chiropractor in Troy, MO. My goal is to be an...
by Taylor Premer, DC | Jan 31, 2019 | Staff Spotlights
Sheila Mahler is one of our rockstar trainers at Winchester Spine and Sport! She has been with us for 7 years and has an amazing thirst for knowledge and passion for working with athletes and “non-athletes” of all ages! We asked Sheila some questions to...