by Peter Roy, DC | Dec 7, 2022 | Chiropractic, Health & Wellness, Tuesday Topic
Today, we’re talking about sleep and sleep hygiene, specifically for our high school athletes, but this will apply to most of us in general. The average adult needs 7 to 9 hours of sleep each night. Most of us aren’t getting that because we’re...
by Taylor Premer, DC | May 29, 2019 | Chiropractic, Tuesday's With Taylor
Headaches… Musculoskeletal or Bad Stuff? There are so many reasons one may have a headache that may range from dehydration to sinister disease. Our goal at Winchester Spine and Sport is to rule out the scary things and hone in on the exact cause. Our...
by Brett Winchester, DC | Feb 24, 2019 | Winchester Spine and Sport Gym
“I want to join your class but first I have to get in shape.” I’ve actually heard this from several people around Troy and am surprised every time I hear it. Having a space for EVERYONE in the Winchester Spine and Sport gym is our ultimate goal, no matter...
by Brett Winchester, DC | Jan 22, 2019 | Health & Wellness
We say it all the time, “I don’t sleep enough” or “I feel like I get enough sleep, but I wake up feeling pretty tired”. We all know sleep is important, but how much? How do we know we got good sleep? How do we sleep better? What are the side effects of chronic poor...